Thursday, July 4, 2019

The chronic misery of an emotion in distress

Why does it seems like every song in the radio nowadays is about break up, heartbreak or melancholy love? Does it mean that there are a lot of broken hearts scattered in the world today? Or does the universe knows what i am going through and that i am currently swimming in the murky puddle created by my tears? I just wanna know, i just want some answers, because there are still a lot of unanswered questions in my mind that demanded some form of response from me every single day. And i thought this heartbreak, this brokeness, would go away in a matter of time...well i guess it hadn't been that long, but surely it must have let up a little. But why does it feels like it was only yesterday when it was inevitably shattered to pieces? And why, for the love of -, my heart still hopes for the one it couldn't,  wouldn't, shouldn't have? And the unending barrage of questions starts to pour out ...and goes on and on unrelenting.

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