Friday, February 24, 2012


It's that time of the season were Bougainvilleas are in bloom again, 
though i must admit i hadn't lifted a 
finger - or a water sprinkler- to be responsible for the proliferating bloom and welcoming eye-candy color it presents in our 'so-called' garden. 

And i guess summer time is here, for in the past two weeks, my underarm has been profusely sweating whenever i go outside (remind me to use an anti-perspirant deodorant).  So it might be safe to say that the sun's rays that oh so subtly damage my aging (and I DO MEAN AGING) skin is bringing out all these popping-every-second blossoms on our Bougainvilleas, 

which, i should add, perplex me to 
whine and blame the sun for my 
uncalled-for wrinkles.
If you are the type of person
 that is easily pleased
freckles peeking out

and can effortlessly smile 
and appreciate the beauty 
that God is painting in every second
 in every surrounding 
of your everyday life,

keqs, camera conscious
then you can smile with me in this pleasant, though hot and humid, afternoon that i decided to trim the Bougainvilleas.