i am longing for the sound of my friends' laughter.. their endless talks.. silly jokes..
the occasional shedding of tears..
never fail to invent a reason for a get together. just so we can get together.
never fail to bestow a pet name for you (like Panis, Dragon, Aneng, Ech-Ech or Joy To The World).
never fail to make you smile and make life worthwhile, even for just the moment that you are with them.
friends never fail to make you feel welcome, wanted, loved.
friends never fail..
but i failed.
i failed them.. i failed them when i pursued my own happiness..
i failed them when i thought of myself above the good of the group..
i failed them when i overlooked and abused the trust that they placed on me..
i failed them..
and ten thousand "i'm sorry" cannot undo what i've done..
ten thousand "i'm sorry" will not erase my mistakes..
ten thousand "i'm sorry" may never be enough..
but ten thousand "i'm sorry" can start the healing process..
ten thousand "i'm sorry" can bridge the gap..
ten thousand "i'm sorry" is better than not having to say "sorry" at all.